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Dinosaur of Papier Mache Print


In spring in preschool of my young son, as every the year, took place on the occasion of the Day of the Earth the plastic contest "Junk Art"   

We decided to make the dinosaur from plastic bottles for drinks, tubes for paper towels and old newspapers:


  Bottles lightly I crumpled and I formed the corpus:


The tail of the dinosaur we made from the tube after the paper-towel:

Ogon dinozaura z papier mache

Ogon dinozaura paper mache - 2

The neck and legs I formed from plastic bottles after mineral water:

Szyja z butelek dinozaura z paper mache


The skeleton of the dinosaur we stuck with the newspapers and, there where this was necessary, a papier-mache:

Dinozaur z papier mache -2


And the ready Diplodocus - as called him my son:




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