Papier Mache (literally "chewed paper") has gained popularity worldwide because of its versatility. Historically it has been made in a wide range of applications, from decorative profiles and moldings, boats, buildings and furniture. It can also be seen in the colorful products of may folk traditions.
Paper was invented in China in the second century AD, and at about this time began to use Paper Mache as a good way to re-use the material which was then expensive and hardly accessible.
An important advantage is that it can be very strong but also very light. With strengthening layers of varnish, it was even used to make soldiers' helmets.
Over time, with the spread of trade, the Papier Mache technique was introduced in Samarkand and Morocco and beyond until, in the tenth century, it was known in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Persia and India.
Read more... [History the Papier Mache]